
Monday, October 11, 2010

F**K H8

Y'know, I'm all for getting a message across. And, yes, this is a message that does need to be taken to the public.

However, I'm not sure this was the way to do it.

I know the message is "Fuck Hate (FCKH8)", but I really think the the "f" word was used waaaaaayy too much here. That, combined with the young kids saying it, I think would probably turn off those who may be swayed by it. If you want to reach the average, run-of-the-mill person I think this may be a little over the top.

It also seems at times to be one long advertisement for the t-shirts they are offering. They say that a "portion" of the proceeds go to "groups fighting for equal marriage rights". How much of that "portion" actually goes to those groups?

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